  1. ionic-buttons

Ionic Buttons

Ionic buttons provide a way to add interactive elements to your mobile app. They are used to trigger an action or navigate to a different page.


To create an Ionic button, use the following syntax:



Here's an example of how to create a basic Ionic button:

<ion-button>Click Me</ion-button>


The above code will produce a button with the text "Click Me" on it.


Ionic buttons are created using the <ion-button> tag. You can add text or icons inside the button to make it more meaningful.

There are various types of buttons available like:

  • ion-button : A basic button
  • ion-icon-button : Button with icon on it
  • ion-fab-button : A floating action button
  • ion-fab : A container for multiple floating action buttons
  • ion-split-pane : A two-part container.

You can also add various styles to your buttons. Some of them are:

  • color : Specifies the color
  • expand : Make the button full width
  • size : Decide the size of the button
  • shape : Decide the shape of the button
  • routerLink : Specify a page to navigate to.


You can use Ionic buttons to add user interactions to your app. They are used for:

  • Submitting a form
  • Navigating to another page
  • Triggering an action
  • Answering a question (Yes/No)

Important Points

  • Each button should have a unique id attribute.
  • Buttons can be grouped using the ion-buttons component.
  • You can add icons to buttons using the ion-icon component.
  • To create floating action buttons, use the ion-fab and ion-fab-button components.


In this article, we learned how to use Ionic buttons to add interactive elements to our mobile app. We looked at their syntax, examples, output, and important points to keep in mind while using it.

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