  1. ionic-item-options

Ionic item-options

item-options is an Ionic component that provides a swipeable set of buttons on each item of a list. It enables quick actions to be performed on each item, similar to the "swipe to delete" feature commonly found in mobile applications.


<ion-item-options [side]="start|end">
  <ion-item-option>[BUTTON 1]</ion-item-option>
  <ion-item-option>[BUTTON 2]</ion-item-option>


  <ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of items">
      <ion-label>{{ }}</ion-label>
    <ion-item-options side="end">
      <ion-item-option color="danger" (click)="deleteItem(item)">

In this example, we have a list of items with each item having a swipeable "delete" button. When the user swipes from right to left on an item, the delete button appears and the user can tap it to delete the item.


The output of this example is a list of items with a swipeable "delete" button on each item. When the user swipes from right to left on an item, the delete button appears.


ion-item-options is a container component for one or more ion-item-option components. It can be placed within an ion-item-sliding component to provide quick actions on each item in a list. The side attribute specifies which side of the item the options should be on (start or end). Each ion-item-option component represents a button that should be displayed when the user swipes the item.


ion-item-options can be used whenever a list of items needs to have quick actions available on each item. Common use cases include:

  • "Swipe to delete" functionality
  • Marking an item as a favorite or important
  • Sharing an item on social media

Important Points

  • ion-item-options should be used within an ion-item-sliding component.
  • ion-item-option can be styled using various attributes such as color, icon, and text.
  • Multiple ion-item-option components can be added to a single ion-item-options component.


ion-item-options is an Ionic component that provides quick actions on each item in a list. It enables buttons to be displayed when the user swipes an item, allowing for quick and easy actions to be taken. This component is useful for implementing features such as "swipe to delete" functionality or sharing an item on social media.

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