  1. ionic-searchbar

Ionic Searchbar

The Ionic Searchbar is a customizable UI element that allows users to search through a list of items. It's a common feature in many mobile applications, as it offers an easy way for users to find specific items without having to manually scan through a list.


The basic syntax for using an Ionic Searchbar is as follows:

<ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="searchQuery"></ion-searchbar>

In this example, ngModel is used for data binding, and searchQuery is the name of the variable that holds the search query entered by the user.


Here's an example of how to use the Ionic Searchbar with a list of items:

<ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="searchQuery"></ion-searchbar>

  <ion-item *ngFor="let item of items" [hidden]="!itemMatchesSearch(item)">
    {{ }}

In this example, items is an array of objects, each with a name property. The itemMatchesSearch method is used to determine if each item should be displayed based on the current search query.


The output of this example would be a list of items that match the search query entered by the user.


The Ionic Searchbar works by allowing the user to enter a search query, which is then used to filter a list of items. The [hidden] attribute is used to only display items that match the search query. The itemMatchesSearch method is used to determine if an item matches the search query.


The Ionic Searchbar can be used in many scenarios, such as:

  • Searching through a list of contacts in a messaging app
  • Searching through a list of products in an e-commerce app
  • Searching through a list of news articles in a news app

Important Points

  • The Ionic Searchbar makes it easy for users to search through a list of items in a mobile application.
  • It can be customized to fit the look and feel of the application.
  • It works by filtering out items that don't match the search query entered by the user.


The Ionic Searchbar is a useful UI element for allowing users to search through a list of items in a mobile application. It's customizable and easy to use, making it a common feature in many mobile apps.

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