  1. aspnet-wf-example

WF Example - (ASP.NET Web Forms)

ASP.NET Web Forms provide an easy and flexible way to build web applications. Workflow or WF is a feature of ASP.NET Web Forms that enables quick creation of complex workflows for business processes. In this page, we will discuss an example of working with WF in ASP.NET Web Forms.

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To work with WF in ASP.NET Web Forms, we need to create a workflow object and define a series of activities inside it. The workflow is defined in an XAML file format, which is a simple markup language used to create workflow definitions. An activity is a single unit of work, such as a condition, an iteration, or a method call.

Here is the syntax for creating a workflow:

    <!-- define activities here -->


In this example, we will create a simple workflow that sends a welcome email message to a user when they sign up on a website. The workflow will have three activities:

  • GetUserInfo: This activity will prompt the user for their name and email address.
  • ComposeEmail: This activity will create and format the email message.
  • SendEmail: This activity will send the email message to the user.

Here is the example workflow definition in XAML format:


    <CodeActivity x:Name="GetUserInfoActivity" />
    <CodeActivity x:Name="ComposeEmailActivity" />
    <CodeActivity x:Name="SendEmailActivity" />

    <Flowchart StartNode="{x:GetUserInfoActivity}">
        <SequenceNode x:Name="WelcomeSequenceNode">
                <x:Reference Name="GetUserInfoActivity" />
                <x:Reference Name="ComposeEmailActivity" />
                <x:Reference Name="SendEmailActivity" />


When the user signs up on the website, the WelcomeWorkflow will be executed. The GetUserInfoActivity will prompt the user for their name and email address. The ComposeEmailActivity will create and format the email message. The SendEmailActivity will send the email message to the user.


In this example, we created a workflow that sends a welcome email to a user. We defined three activities in the workflow, each of which performed a different task. We then used the Flowchart activity to create a sequence of activities to run in order.


WF workflows in ASP.NET Web Forms are useful for automating routine or complex business processes, such as approval workflows, order processing, and invoice management. They provide an easy and flexible way to design and run complex business workflows.

Important Points

  • ASP.NET Web Forms provide WF to create and run complex workflows.
  • Workflows are defined in XAML format and consist of a series of activities.
  • Activities are single units of work, such as a condition, an iteration, or a method call.


In this page, we discussed an example of working with WF in ASP.NET Web Forms. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of WF. By creating workflows with WF in ASP.NET Web Forms, you can automate and streamline complex business processes effectively and efficiently.

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