  1. aspnet-rangevalidator

RangeValidator - ( ASP.NET Validation )

ASP.NET validation controls allow you to check the input of the user and ensure that it matches your requirements. One such control is the RangeValidator, which checks if a user input value is within a specified range. In this page, we will discuss the RangeValidator control in detail.


The syntax for RangeValidator control is as follows:

  • ID: ID of the control.
  • runat: specifies whether the control is server-side or client-side.
  • ControlToValidate: ID of the control to be validated.
  • MaximumValue: the largest possible value.
  • MinimumValue: the smallest possible value.
  • ErrorMessage: error message to be displayed if validation fails.
  • Display: specifies when the validation error message is displayed.


Here is an example of how to use the RangeValidator control in a form to validate a user's input:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtAge" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

    ErrorMessage="Age should be between 18 and 100 years."

<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" />

In this example, we have a TextBox control with an ID of txtAge. We have used the RangeValidator control to validate the user's input in the txtAge control. The MaximumValue has been set to 100, while the MinimumValue has been set to 18. The error message will be displayed dynamically using the Display property, and the ErrorMessage will show if the input value is not within the specified range.


When the user submits the form, if the input value in the control being validated is not within the specified range, the RangeValidator control displays the error message.


The RangeValidator control checks if the value of the input control falls within the specified range or not. If the value falls within the specified range, the control is valid. Otherwise, the error message is displayed.


You can use RangeValidator control to validate a range of input types such as numbers, dates, and currency values.

Important Points

  • RangeValidator is useful to ensure the user's input values are within the specified range.
  • The RangeValidator control has properties like MinimumValue and MaximumValue which are used to validate input values.
  • The ErrorMessage property specifies the error message that is displayed if the user input is not within the specified range.


In this page, we discussed the RangeValidator control and how to use it to validate user input value. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of RangeValidator. By using this control, you can easily restrict user input to specified ranges to ensure accurate data input.

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