  1. aspnet-calender

Calendar - (ASP.NET Web Forms)

The Calendar control is used in ASP.NET Web Forms to display a monthly calendar with selectable days. This control is useful when you need to provide a user interface for date selection.


Here is the syntax for adding a Calendar control to an ASP.NET Web Form:

<asp:Calendar ID="MyCalendar" runat="server"></asp:Calendar>

You can specify a range of selectable dates using the SelectedDate and SelectionMode properties. You can also add event handlers to handle user interactions with the Calendar control.


Here's an example of using a Calendar control in an ASP.NET Web Form:

<head runat="server">
    <title>Calendar Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <asp:Calendar ID="MyCalendar" runat="server" OnSelectionChanged="MyCalendar_SelectionChanged"></asp:Calendar>

In the code-behind file, you can handle the OnSelectionChanged event like this:

protected void MyCalendar_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Get the selected date from the Calendar control
    DateTime selectedDate = MyCalendar.SelectedDate;

    // Do something with the selected date
    // ...


When the user selects a date in the Calendar control, the OnSelectionChanged event is fired, and the selected date can be retrieved from the SelectedDate property.


The Calendar control in ASP.NET Web Forms provides an easy-to-use date selection UI. It supports various customization options, such as selecting a range of dates and handling user interactions with the control.


You can use the Calendar control in your ASP.NET Web Forms application to provide a user interface for date selection. It is especially useful when you have a lot of dates to choose from or when you need to restrict the available date range.

Important Points

  • The SelectedDate and SelectionMode properties can be used to specify a date range for the Calendar control.
  • The OnSelectionChanged event is fired when the user selects a date in the control.
  • The SelectedDate property can be used to retrieve the selected date.


In this page, we discussed the Calendar control in ASP.NET Web Forms. We covered syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of the Calendar control. This control is useful when you need to provide a user interface for date selection in your ASP.NET Web Forms application.

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