  1. aspnet-requiredfieldvalidator

RequiredFieldValidator - (ASP.NET Validation)

ASP.NET provides various validation controls to validate user input on the server-side before it's processed. The RequiredFieldValidator is one such control that checks whether the user enters a value in an input control. This page will discuss the usage and implementation of the RequiredFieldValidator control.


Here's the syntax of the RequiredFieldValidator control:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="Validator1" ControlToValidate="Control_name" Text="Error message" runat="server" />
  • id - Specifies the unique identifier for the control.
  • ControlToValidate - Specifies the ID of the input control to validate.
  • Text - Specifies the error message to display if validation fails.
  • runat - Specifies that the control is a server-side (code-behind) control.


Here's an example of using the RequiredFieldValidator control:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="Validator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtName" Text="Name is required" />
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" />

In the above example, we have a textbox (txtName) and a RequiredFieldValidator control (Validator1) that validates the text entered in the txtName textbox. The error message "Name is required" will be displayed if validation fails. The btnSubmit is the submit button control that triggers the validation.


When the btnSubmit button is clicked, the RequiredFieldValidator control is activated, and the text entered in the txtName textbox is validated. If the input control is empty, the error message specified in the Text property will be displayed next to the input control.


The RequiredFieldValidator control checks the associated input control for a valid value. If the input control is empty, the error message specified in the Text property will be displayed next to the input control.

The ControlToValidate property specifies the ID of the input control to validate. If the associated input control is empty or has an invalid value, the RequiredFieldValidator control will not allow for validation and display an error message.


The RequiredFieldValidator control is used to validate that a user enters a value in an input control. The RequiredFieldValidator control is especially useful when input controls are mandatory, and you want to ensure that the user enters a value.

Important Points

  • The RequiredFieldValidator control is used to validate whether the user enters a value in an input control.
  • The ControlToValidate property specifies the ID of the input control to validate.
  • The Text property specifies the error message to display if validation fails.


The RequiredFieldValidator control is an essential part of server-side form validation in ASP.NET. It validates whether the user enters a value in an input control or not. The control is easily implemented and provides a straightforward way to ensure that the user enters required input values before proceeding with the form submission.

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