  1. aspnet-linkbutton

LinkButton - (ASP.NET Web Forms)

A LinkButton control is used in ASP.NET Web Forms to create a hyperlink that can perform an action on the server-side. Unlike a regular hyperlink, a LinkButton can post back to the server when clicked, which allows you to interact with server-side code using the OnClick event.


The syntax to add a LinkButton control to your ASP.NET Web Form is as follows:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="myLinkButton" Text="Click Me" OnClick="myLinkButton_Click"></asp:LinkButton>
  • runat="server" indicates that the control should be processed on the server.
  • ID is a unique identifier for the control.
  • Text is the text that will display on the webpage.
  • OnClick is the name of the method that should be executed when the control is clicked.


Here is a simple example of how to use a LinkButton control:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="myLinkButton" Text="Click Me" OnClick="myLinkButton_Click"></asp:LinkButton>
protected void myLinkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Do something when the LinkButton is clicked
    Response.Write("You clicked the LinkButton!");

When the user clicks the LinkButton on the page, the myLinkButton_Click method will be called, and the code inside the method will be executed.


The output of the LinkButton control is a clickable hyperlink on the webpage. When the LinkButton is clicked, the OnClick event is triggered and the specified method is executed on the server.


The LinkButton control allows you to create a hyperlink that can perform an action on the server-side. This is useful when you need to interact with server-side code to perform some action when the user clicks the link.


Use a LinkButton control when you need to interact with server-side code when the user clicks a hyperlink on the webpage. This is particularly useful when you need to perform some action on the server-side before redirecting the user to a different page.

Important Points

  • LinkButton controls can be used to create hyperlinks that interact with server-side code.
  • The OnClick event handler is executed on the server when the control is clicked.
  • The LinkButton control generates a hyperlink on the webpage.


The LinkButton control is useful when you need to create a hyperlink that can perform an action on the server-side. The OnClick event is triggered when the user clicks the hyperlink, and you can execute server-side code in the event handler. Use the LinkButton control when you need to perform some action on the server before redirecting the user to a different page.

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