  1. aspnet-razor

Razor - ( ASP.NET Razor )

ASP.NET Razor provides a powerful and flexible syntax for creating dynamic web pages. Razor allows developers to combine HTML, C# or VB.NET code, and other building blocks to create dynamic web pages. In this page, we'll cover the basics of Razor syntax and its implementation in ASP.NET.


Razor syntax is based on a combination of HTML, C# or VB.NET code, and other blocks. Razor code begins with the @ symbol, and expressions that should not be rendered to the client begin with the @ symbol and a single exclamation mark (!). The following is an example of Razor syntax that uses a foreach loop to iterate over a collection:

@foreach (var item in Model.Items) {

In this example, the foreach loop is preceded by the @ symbol, which tells Razor that a code block is beginning.


Here's an example of a simple Razor view that displays a list of items:

@model IEnumerable<Item>

@if (Model.Count() == 0) {
    <p>No items found.</p>
} else {
        @foreach (var item in Model) {


When the Razor view is rendered, the output HTML includes the information from the model. In this example, the table cells contain the Name and Description properties of each Item in the IEnumerable.


Razor is a powerful and flexible syntax that provides a way to create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, C# or VB.NET code, and other blocks. Razor code is executed on the server, which generates HTML that's sent to the client.


Razor is an excellent tool for creating dynamic web pages. It provides a flexible and powerful syntax that allows developers to combine HTML and code to create complex, data-driven web pages.

Important Points

  • Razor syntax is based on a combination of HTML, C# or VB.NET code, and other blocks.
  • Razor code begins with the @ symbol, and expressions that should not be rendered to the client begin with the @ symbol and a single exclamation mark (!).
  • Razor code is executed on the server, which generates HTML that's sent to the client.


In this page, we covered the basics of Razor syntax and its implementation in ASP.NET. We explained the syntax of Razor, demonstrated its usage in a simple view, and discussed its output, explanation, use, and important points. With Razor, developers can build dynamic web pages with ease and flexibility.

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