  1. vuejs-template-syntax

Vue.js Template Syntax

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces (UIs) and is becoming increasingly popular among front-end developers. The template syntax in Vue.js allows developers to create complex UIs easily. In Vue.js, the template syntax is based on plain HTML that allows developers to describe the structure of their applications using familiar syntax and semantics.


Vue.js uses special syntax for its template system. The syntax is enclosed within backticks (`) and has placeholders within curly braces({{ }}). This allows Vue.js to easily parse the template and perform dynamic rendering.

<div id="app">
  {{ message }}


<div id="app">
    <li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
      {{ item }}


- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three


In the above example, Vue.js renders a list of items using the v-for directive. The v-for directive iterates over each item in the items array, creates a new list item for each item, and binds the value of the item to the list item using the {{ item }} syntax.


The Vue.js template syntax is used to create dynamic UIs by allowing developers to bind data to HTML elements. The use of data-binding directives such as v-bind and v-model allows developers to create a responsive UI that can update and respond to changes in data. The v-for directive is used to create dynamic lists, while the v-if and v-else directives are used to conditionally render elements based on data.

Important Points

  • Template syntax in Vue.js is based on plain HTML and is enclosed within backticks (`).
  • Vue.js uses the v-bind directive to bind data, while the v-model directive is used for two-way data binding.
  • Vue.js directives such as v-if and v-else are used to conditionally render elements based on data.
  • Vue.js provides a powerful template system that allows developers to create complex UIs easily.


Vue.js is a powerful JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Its template system is based on plain HTML and uses special syntax enclosed within backticks and curly braces to allow dynamic rendering of data-bound elements. The template system is very powerful, with many built-in directives that allow developers to easily create complex UIs. Understanding the Vue.js template syntax is essential for building modern UIs with Vue.js.

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