  1. vuejs-reactivity-fundamentals

VueJS Reactivity Fundamentals


VueJS is a progressive JavaScript framework that allows you to build user interfaces with ease. In VueJS, reactivity is a core concept that plays a crucial role in managing the state of your application. This means that when data changes in your application, VueJS reacts to it and rerenders the view to reflect the changes.

Reactive Properties in VueJS

Reactivity in VueJS is achieved through its reactive properties, such as data, computed, watch, and methods. Here's a brief explanation of each of these:

  1. data: This property is used to define and hold the state of your application. When the data property changes, VueJS re-renders the view to reflect the changes.

  2. computed: With the computed property, you can define a function that returns a value based on the current state of your application. Computed properties are cached, which means that they only update when their dependencies change.

  3. watch: The watch property is used to watch for changes to a particular state property. You can define a callback function that runs when that property changes.

  4. methods: The methods property is used to define functions that manipulate the state of your application. Methods are called in response to user input or events.


Here's an example illustrating reactivity in VueJS:

    <p>{{ message }}</p>
    <button @click="changeMessage">Change Message</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello World'
  methods: {
    changeMessage() {
      this.message = 'Hello VueJS World';

In this example, we have a VueJS component that has a message property. The message property is displayed in a paragraph tag. When the user clicks the Change Message button, the changeMessage() method is called, which updates the value of the message property to 'Hello VueJS World'. When the message property changes, VueJS automatically re-renders the view to reflect the new value.


VueJS uses a reactive system to track changes to your data. When a data property changes, VueJS updates the view by re-rendering it. This means that you don't have to manually update the view every time your data changes.


Reactivity is a fundamental concept in VueJS, and it's used extensively in building modern web applications. By understanding the basics of reactivity in VueJS, you can build more efficient, scalable, and maintainable applications.

Important Points

  • Reactivity in VueJS is achieved through its reactive properties, such as data, computed, watch, and methods.
  • When a data property changes, VueJS automatically re-renders the view to reflect the changes.
  • VueJS uses a virtual DOM to optimize view updates.
  • Computed properties are cached and only update when their dependencies change.
  • Watch properties are used to watch for changes to a particular state property.


VueJS reactivity is a powerful concept that allows you to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces with ease. Understanding the basics of reactive properties, such as data, computed, watch, and methods, is crucial in building efficient and scalable applications. With VueJS, you no longer have to manually update the view every time your data changes.

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