  1. vuejs-creating-an-application

VueJs Creating an Application

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To create your first Vue.js application, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Vue CLI
  2. Create a new project
  3. Start the development server


npm install -g @vue/cli
vue create my-project
cd my-project
npm run serve


Create a new Vue.js application named "my-first-app" with the following command:

vue create my-first-app

This will prompt you to select a preset configuration for your project. Choose the default option to get started quickly.

Once the project has been created, navigate to the project directory and start the development server:

cd my-first-app
npm run serve

This will launch the development server and open your new Vue.js application in your default browser.


You should see a "Welcome to Your Vue.js App" message displayed in your browser.


Vue CLI is the recommended tool for building large-scale Vue.js applications. It allows you to easily create new projects, add plugins, and manage your development dependencies.

Once you have the Vue CLI installed, you can use it to create a new Vue.js project with the vue create command. This will prompt you to select a project preset, which will configure your project with the necessary dependencies and settings.

You can then navigate to the project directory and start the development server with the npm run serve command.


Creating a new Vue.js application using the Vue CLI is the recommended way to get started with the framework. It provides a fast and easy way to set up a new project, and provides a consistent development environment.

Once you have your application up and running, you can use the Vue.js framework to create beautiful and interactive user interfaces.

Important Points

  • The Vue CLI is the recommended tool for building large-scale Vue.js applications.
  • Use the vue create command to create a new Vue.js project with the appropriate configuration.
  • Use the npm run serve command to start the development server and run your Vue.js application.
  • The Vue.js framework is ideal for building beautiful and interactive user interfaces.


Creating a new Vue.js application using the Vue CLI is an essential step for anyone looking to build large-scale Vue.js applications. With the right tools and configuration, you can create beautiful and powerful user interfaces with minimal effort. By following the steps outlined here, you can quickly get started with your first Vue.js application and start taking advantage of all that this powerful framework has to offer!

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