  1. signalr-xamarin-and-mobile-clients

Xamarin and Mobile Clients - SignalR Clients

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Xamarin and Mobile Clients with SignalR Clients


Here's the basic syntax for using SignalR Clients in Xamarin or mobile clients:

var hubConnection = new HubConnection("");
IHubProxy hubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("MyHub");
hubProxy.On<string, string>("addMessage", (name, message) => Console.WriteLine($"Received message from {name}: {message}"));
await hubConnection.Start();
await hubProxy.Invoke("SendMessage", "John", "Hello, world!");


Here's a simple example of using SignalR Clients in mobile development with Xamarin:

using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client;

namespace SignalRDemo
    public class ChatViewModel
        private readonly HubConnection _connection;
        private readonly IHubProxy _proxy;
        public ChatViewModel()
            _connection = new HubConnection("");
            _proxy = _connection.CreateHubProxy("chatHub");
            _proxy.On<string, string>("broadcastMessage", (name, message) =>
                // Handle received message
        public async Task Connect()
            await _connection.Start();
        public async Task SendMessage(string name, string message)
            await _proxy.Invoke("sendMessage", name, message);


After starting the SignalR connection and invoking the SendMessage method, the broadcastMessage method in the SignalR hub will be triggered and receive and process the message. The broadcastMessage method can then send the message to all connected clients, including the Xamarin or mobile client.


SignalR is a library for bi-directional communication between server and client using websockets or other transport protocols. Xamarin and other mobile clients can use SignalR Clients to subscribe to events, send and receive messages, and perform other real-time communication tasks.

To use SignalR Clients in Xamarin or other mobile clients, you need to create a HubConnection object and use it to create a HubProxy object. You can then subscribe to events on the HubProxy object and invoke methods on it to send messages to the SignalR hub.


SignalR Clients are useful for creating cross-platform real-time applications, such as chat applications, multiplayer games, and live data visualizations. Mobile clients can use SignalR Clients to receive real-time updates from a server from anywhere in the world.

Important Points

  • Xamarin and other mobile clients can use SignalR Clients to communicate with a SignalR hub
  • SignalR Clients use a HubConnection object to connect to the hub and a HubProxy object to interact with it
  • Mobile clients can subscribe to events on the HubProxy object and invoke methods on it to send messages to the hub
  • SignalR Clients are useful for creating real-time applications, such as chat applications and live data visualizations


Xamarin and other mobile clients can use SignalR Clients to communicate with a SignalR hub and receive real-time updates. To use SignalR Clients, you need to create a HubConnection object and use it to create a HubProxy object. Mobile clients can then subscribe to events on the HubProxy object and invoke methods on it to send messages to the hub. SignalR Clients are useful for creating real-time applications, such as chat applications and live data visualizations.

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