  1. signalr-customizing-connection-behavior

Customizing Connection Behavior - SignalR Persistent Connections


public virtual Task OnConnectedAsync()


public class ChatHub : Hub
    public override async Task OnConnectedAsync()
        await Clients.All.SendAsync("UserConnected", Context.ConnectionId);


When a client connects to the hub, the OnConnectedAsync method will be called and it will send a message to all clients that a new user has connected with their connection id.


SignalR provides persistent connections to enable real-time communication between clients and servers. When a client connects to a hub, various events are triggered on the server side. OnConnectedAsync is one of those events which is called when a client connects to the hub. This event can be overridden to customize the connection behavior.


Customizing the connection behavior can be useful in scenarios where you want to perform some actions when a client connects to the hub. For example, you can send a notification to all the connected clients when a new user joins the chat room.

Important Points

  • OnConnectedAsync is a virtual method in the Hub class that can be overridden to customize the connection behavior.
  • This method is called when a client connects to the hub.
  • Customizing the connection behavior can be useful in scenarios where you want to perform some actions when a client connects to the hub.


OnConnectedAsync is a virtual method in the Hub class that can be overridden to customize the connection behavior when a client connects to the hub. Customizing the connection behavior can be useful in scenarios where you want to perform some actions when a client connects to the hub, such as sending notifications to other clients.

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