  1. signalr-unit-testing-signalrhubs

#Unit Testing SignalR Hubs



public class MyHubTests {

    public void SendMessageTest() {
        // Arrange
        var hub = new MyHub();
        var mockClients = new Mock<IHubCallerConnectionContext<dynamic>>();

        // Act
        hub.Clients = mockClients.Object;

        // Assert
            m => m.All.sendMessage("TestMessage"),



Public Class MyHubTests

    Public Sub SendMessageTest()
        ' Arrange
        Dim hub = New MyHub()
        Dim mockClients = New Mock(Of IHubCallerConnectionContext(Of Object))()

        ' Act
        hub.Clients = mockClients.[Object]

        ' Assert
            Sub(m) m.All.sendMessage("TestMessage"),
    End Sub

End Class


In this example, we will test a SignalR hub method SendMessage that broadcasts a message to all clients connected to the hub.

public class MyHub : Hub {

    public void SendMessage(string message) {



When the test is successful, no output is produced. If the test fails, an assertion error will be thrown.


Unit testing SignalR hubs is an important part of ensuring that your Real-Time applications are functioning correctly. In the example provided, we are using the Mock class from the Moq framework to create a mock version of the IHubCallerConnectionContext for testing purposes.

The SendMessageTest method follows the standard Arrange-Act-Assert pattern:

  1. In the Arrange step, we create an instance of the MyHub class and a mock IHubCallerConnectionContext object.
  2. In the Act step, we set the Clients property of the hub to the mock clients object, and call the SendMessage method with a test message.
  3. In the Assert step, we use the Verify method to ensure that the All.sendMessage method was called exactly once with the test message.


Unit testing SignalR hubs is essential for ensuring the reliability and robustness of your Real-Time applications. By using tools like the Moq framework, you can easily create mock versions of SignalR components for testing purposes.

##Important Points

  • When testing SignalR hubs, it is important to use mock versions of the SignalR components being used.
  • The Moq framework is a useful tool for creating mock SignalR components.
  • Proper unit testing can help ensure the reliability and robustness of your Real-Time applications.


In this section, we discussed how to unit test SignalR hubs using the Moq framework. We showed an example of how to test a hub method that broadcasts a message to all connected clients, and explained the importance of unit testing in ensuring the reliability and robustness of your Real-Time applications.

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