  1. signalr-real-time-dashboards

Real-Time Dashboards - Real-World SignalR Scenarios


var hubConnection = new HubConnection("<url>");
var hubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("<hub-name>");

hubProxy.On<string>("<method-name>", (message) =>

await hubConnection.Start();


Consider the scenario where a company's website has a dashboard displaying real-time feedback from their customers. Customers can submit feedback or report issues, and this information is displayed on the dashboard in real-time. To accomplish this, SignalR could be used to stream the data to the dashboard.


The output will be a real-time dashboard displaying data as soon as it is updated or submitted by the customers.


SignalR is a technology that enables the creation of real-time web applications. It allows bi-directional communication between the server and the client, enabling real-time updates of data on the client-side. In the example scenario, SignalR is used to stream customer feedback and issue reports to the dashboard in real-time.


Real-time dashboards can be used in a variety of applications ranging from real-time analytics to monitoring system logs. Some examples of use cases for real-time dashboards include monitoring traffic on a website, tracking the progress of a project, and analyzing stock market trends.

Important Points

  • SignalR allows for real-time communication between the client and the server.
  • Real-time dashboards can be useful in obtaining immediate feedback on various applications and tools.
  • SignalR can be implemented in a variety of applications to improve user experience and increase efficiency.
  • Real-time dashboards can be used in a variety of industries ranging from finance to healthcare.


Real-time dashboards are an excellent way to provide real-time updates about issues, feedback, and other important changes that take place for example in a company. Using SignalR, it is easy to create a real-time dashboard that allows for quick communication between the server and the client, resulting in real-time updates of data. Real-time dashboards are useful for a wide range of applications and can be implemented in various industries.

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