  1. signalr-custom-protocols

SignalR: Custom Protocols


This tutorial explores the implementation of custom protocols in SignalR. SignalR allows for extensibility, enabling developers to define custom protocols for communication between the server and clients. Implementing custom protocols can be useful for scenarios where standard protocols are not suitable or where specialized data formats are required.

Implementing Custom Protocols in SignalR


Implementing custom protocols in SignalR involves defining a custom message protocol on both the server and client sides. Below is a basic example:


public class CustomHub : Hub
    public void SendCustomMessage(string message)
        // Implement custom message processing
        Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveCustomMessage", ProcessMessage(message));

    private string ProcessMessage(string message)
        // Custom processing logic
        return $"Processed: {message}";

Client-Side (JavaScript):

const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()

connection.on("ReceiveCustomMessage", (processedMessage) => {
    // Handle processed custom message

    .then(() => console.log("Connection established"))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));


Consider a scenario where you want to implement a custom protocol for a chat application that requires encryption for message transmission:


public class SecureChatHub : Hub
    public void SendEncryptedMessage(string encryptedMessage)
        // Implement decryption logic
        string decryptedMessage = DecryptMessage(encryptedMessage);
        Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveDecryptedMessage", decryptedMessage);

    private string DecryptMessage(string encryptedMessage)
        // Custom decryption logic
        return $"Decrypted: {encryptedMessage}";

Client-Side (JavaScript):

const secureConnection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()

secureConnection.on("ReceiveDecryptedMessage", (decryptedMessage) => {
    // Handle decrypted custom message

    .then(() => console.log("Secure connection established"))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));


  • Define a custom hub on the server side with methods that use the custom protocol.
  • Implement custom message processing and decryption logic on the server.
  • On the client side, create a connection to the custom hub and handle custom messages.


  • Custom Data Formats: Implement custom protocols to use specialized data formats.
  • Encryption and Security: Use custom protocols for scenarios requiring encryption or specific security measures.
  • Integration with Legacy Systems: Facilitate communication with legacy systems using custom protocols.

Important Points

  1. Both the server and clients must agree on the custom protocol to ensure proper communication.
  2. Custom protocols should be designed with security and compatibility in mind.
  3. Be mindful of performance implications when implementing custom protocols.


SignalR's extensibility allows developers to implement custom protocols, providing flexibility in communication scenarios. Whether dealing with custom data formats, encryption requirements, or integration with legacy systems, custom protocols empower developers to tailor communication to specific needs.

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