  1. matplotlib-title-and-labels

Title and Labels - ( Matplotlib Plots )

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.title('Title of the plot')
plt.xlabel('Label for X-axis')
plt.ylabel('Label for Y-axis')


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# sample data for x and y axis
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)
y = np.sin(x)

# plot the data
plt.plot(x, y)

# add a title and labels for x and y axes
plt.title('Sinusoidal Plot')

# display the plot


title and labels example output


Adding a title and labels to a plot is important for understanding the content of the plot. Matplotlib provides the title, xlabel, and ylabel functions to add a title and labels to a plot.

In the above example, we first generate sample data for the x and y axis. We then plot the data using plt.plot(). We use the title, xlabel, and ylabel functions to add a title and labels for the x and y axes. Finally, we display the plot using


Adding a title and labels to a plot is useful for understanding the content of the plot. It helps in presenting the data in a more meaningful way and makes the plot more informative.

Important Points

  • Adding a title and labels to a plot is important for understanding the content of the plot
  • Matplotlib provides the title, xlabel, and ylabel functions to add a title and labels to a plot
  • The title function is used to set the title of the plot
  • The xlabel function is used to set the label for the x-axis
  • The ylabel function is used to set the label for the y-axis
  • These functions should be called after plotting the data and before displaying the plot


In conclusion, adding a title and labels to a plot is an important aspect of data visualization. Matplotlib provides the title, xlabel, and ylabel functions to add these elements to a plot. These functions should be called after plotting the data and before displaying the plot.

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