  1. matplotlib-installation

Installation - ( Matplotlib Tutorial )

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Installation commands:

!pip install matplotlib


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



The output will display a simple plot with the given data points.


Matplotlib is a popular data visualization library for Python. It allows users to create a variety of charts and graphs to explore and present data in a meaningful way. Before using Matplotlib, we need to install it on our system using pip command.

In the above example, we first import the pyplot module from Matplotlib and create a simple plot with the given data points. Finally, using show() function we display the plot.


Matplotlib is a powerful tool for visualizing various types of data. It can be used to create simple line, scatter, and bar charts, as well as more complex heat maps, histograms, 3D plots, and more. Visualization is an essential part of data analysis and Matplotlib is widely used in scientific research, data analysis, and machine learning.

Important Points

  • Matplotlib is a popular data visualization library for Python
  • It can be installed using pip command (!pip install matplotlib)
  • Matplotlib allows users to create a variety of charts and graphs to explore and present data in a meaningful way
  • Matplotlib is widely used in scientific research, data analysis, and machine learning


In conclusion, installing Matplotlib is one of the first steps in data visualization using Python. Matplotlib provides a wide range of tools for creating different types of plots and charts, and it is widely used in various scientific and data analysis fields. We can install it using pip command and import it using pyplot module in Python.

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