  1. matplotlib-seaborn-vs-matplotlib

Seaborn vs. Matplotlib - ( Statistical Data Visualization )

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There is no specific syntax for Seaborn or Matplotlib libraries as they are both built on top of Python. However, the syntax for creating visualizations using these libraries varies.


import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Load the tips dataset from seaborn
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

# Create a histogram using Seaborn
sns.histplot(tips, x="total_bill", kde=True)

# Create a histogram using Matplotlib
plt.hist(tips["total_bill"], bins=20, alpha=0.5, color="green", density=True)


The above code creates a histogram showing the distribution of total bills using both Seaborn and Matplotlib libraries.


When it comes to statistical data visualization using Python libraries, two popular choices are Seaborn and Matplotlib. Both libraries have their own advantages and limitations. Seaborn is a higher-level library built on top of Matplotlib, with an API that is easier to use and offers more complex visualizations with minimal customizations. Matplotlib is a lower-level library that provides more fine-grained control over the visualizations, but at the cost of increased complexity.

In the above example, we are loading the tips dataset from Seaborn and creating a histogram showing the distribution of total bills using both Seaborn and Matplotlib. Seaborn's sns.histplot() function creates a histogram with a kernel density estimation (kde) line by default. Using Matplotlib's plt.hist() function, we can create a histogram with more customizations such as number of bins, colors, transparency, etc.


Seaborn and Matplotlib are both widely used in the data science community for statistical data visualization. Seaborn is best suited for more complex visualizations and quick exploratory data analysis, whereas Matplotlib is more suitable for fine-grained customizations and specific use cases.

Important Points

  • Seaborn is built on top of Matplotlib and provides a higher-level API for visualizations
  • Seaborn offers more complex visualizations with minimal customizations
  • Matplotlib provides more fine-grained control over visualizations but at the cost of increased complexity
  • Both libraries are widely used in the data science community for statistical data visualization


In summary, Seaborn and Matplotlib are both powerful libraries for statistical data visualization in Python. Seaborn's higher-level API provides for more complex visualizations with minimal customizations, while Matplotlib's lower-level API allows for more fine-grained control over the visualizations. Knowing when to use each library is key to creating effective and informative visualizations.

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