  1. jira-versions

Versions - Project Management in JIRA

JIRA allows you to create multiple versions of a project's release, which assists you to plan, schedule, and monitor different points of the project's progress.


In order to create a version in JIRA, follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to Jira.
  2. Go to the project for which you want to create a version.
  3. Click on 'Project settings' in the bottom left corner of the screen (you must have administrative privileges for this).
  4. In the left-hand sidebar, click on "Versions."
  5. Click on the "Create a version" button located in the top right corner of the page.
  6. Enter the version name, a related project, release date, and description.
  7. Click the "Create" button to create a new version.


Let's say we are working on a project called "Project X". We need to create a new Version, i.e. "Version 1.0", for the next release, set a release date, and add a brief explanation. We can do that by following the above syntax.


On the "Versions" page, you will see the list of already existing and newly created versions in the project. You can view, manage, and delete these versions at any time.


Versions are an essential element of JIRA project management since they assist with organizing and tracking the progress of a project. A version combines related issues that need to be fixed, prioritized, and delivered as part of a release. It helps team members to identify which features are ready to be tested, which are still in development and what will be included in the scope of the upcoming release.


Creating and managing versions in JIRA helps to:

  • Plan and schedule releases
  • Create separate timelines for development, testing, and deployment
  • Track the progress of individual project versions
  • Get visibility and traceability on status, velocity, and progress reporting
  • Improve collaboration and minimize work overlap across development and testing teams
  • Maintain more comprehensive project documentation
  • Manage risks proactively, prepare for changes, and adapt to new circumstances

Important Points

  • Versions are tied to a project in JIRA, not to JIRA as a whole.
  • Versions provide the basis for release visibility and monitoring in JIRA.
  • Versions allow a team to iterate and improve development processes, by identifying problems, testing solutions, and reflecting on progress.
  • Versions promote community involvement, by enabling customer feedback on new releases.


Versions are a key component of the JIRA project management methodology, allowing teams to organize and prioritize project cycles. Creating versions enables teams to focus on individual aspects of a project, schedule releases, monitor progress, and maintain documentation. Versions have significant communication and collaboration benefits, making them an essential feature of JIRA project management.

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