  1. jira-issue-types

Issue Types - JIRA Issues

JIRA is an issue tracking tool that allows tracking, prioritizing, and resolving issues encountered in software development projects. In JIRA, there are different types of issues that can be created to track different aspects of the issue being encountered. This page discusses the different types of issues that are available in JIRA and their characteristics.


To create an issue in JIRA, follow these steps:

  1. Open JIRA and select the project for which you want to create an issue.
  2. Click on the "Create" button.
  3. Select the issue type you want to create.
  4. Fill in the required fields for the selected issue type.
  5. Click on "Create Issue."


Some of the issue types available in JIRA are:

  1. Bug - an issue that represents a problem or error in the software.
  2. Task - an issue that represents a piece of work that needs to be done.
  3. Epic - an issue that represents a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller issues.
  4. Story - an issue that represents a feature or functionality of the software being developed.
  5. Sub-Task - an issue that represents a smaller piece of work that is part of a larger issue.
  6. Improvement - an issue that represents a suggested enhancement or improvement to the software.


When an issue is created in JIRA, it is given a unique issue key that can be used to identify and track the issue. The issue key is displayed along with other details about the issue such as the issue type, status, and priority.


Each type of issue in JIRA is designed to track a specific type of work or problem encountered in software development. For example, bugs are used to track issues with the software that need to be fixed, while tasks are used to track pieces of work that need to be completed. Epics are used to track large bodies of work that can be broken down into smaller issues, while stories are used to track features or functionality of the software.

Sub-tasks are used to break down larger issues into smaller, more manageable pieces of work. Improvements are used to track suggestions for enhancements or improvements to the software.


Knowing the different types of issues in JIRA is important for anyone working on a software development project. By creating the right type of issue, it becomes easier to track and manage the work being done and ensure that everything is moving in the right direction.

Important Points

  • JIRA has different types of issues to track different types of work and problems.
  • Each issue type has its own set of fields and characteristics that make it suitable for its intended purpose.
  • Creating the right type of issue in JIRA can help ensure that work is tracked and managed effectively.


In summary, JIRA is a powerful issue tracking tool that has different types of issues to track different types of work. Each issue type has its own set of fields and characteristics that make it suitable for its intended purpose. By creating the right type of issue, it becomes easier to track and manage the work being done and ensure that everything is moving in the right direction.

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