  1. jira-agile

Agile - JIRA Models

Agile methodology plays a vital role in project management and has become an increasingly popular choice for software development teams. JIRA is a project management tool that supports agile methodology. JIRA provides several models to support agile methodologies, which help the teams to prioritize the work, manage sprints and iterations, and track progress. In this tutorial, we will learn about the following JIRA models:

  • Scrum Board
  • Kanban Board
  • Agile Reports
  • Backlog

Scrum Board

Scrum Board is used to manage projects using the Scrum methodology. It provides a visual representation of the work that needs to be done, work in progress, and work that is completed. It contains a hierarchy of tasks such as epics, stories, and sub-tasks. The Scrum Board is divided into the following columns:

  • To Do: Tasks that need to be done in the future.
  • In Progress: Tasks that are currently being worked on.
  • Done: Tasks that are completed.

Kanban Board

Kanban Board is used to manage projects using the Kanban methodology. It provides a visual representation of work in progress and helps teams to identify and eliminate bottlenecks. The Kanban Board is divided into the following columns:

  • To Do: Tasks that need to be done.
  • In Progress: Tasks that are currently being worked on.
  • Done: Tasks that are completed.

Agile Reports

Agile Reports provide detailed insights into project progress and team performance. It includes reports on the status of work, sprint progress, velocity, and team performance. Some of the popular Agile Reports are:

  • Sprint Report: It provides data on the progress of a particular sprint.
  • Velocity Chart: It shows the amount of work completed in each sprint and the team's velocity.
  • Epic Report: It provides data on the progress of epics.
  • Release Burndown Chart: It shows the progress of the release and helps the team to identify whether they are on track to complete the release.


Backlog is used to prioritize the work that needs to be done. It contains the list of all the work that needs to be completed in a project. The backlog is divided into the following categories:

  • Epics: High-level user stories.
  • Stories: User stories that represent specific functionality.
  • Sub-tasks: Smaller tasks within a story.


Error Guessing cannot be scripted or standardized as the technique requires testers to use their intuition, experience and knowledge of the domain to identify potential errors.


Consider a scenario where a tester is testing an e-commerce website where users can search for products and add them to their cart. The tester notices that the search algorithm is not returning the expected results. The tester can use error guessing to guess the possible reasons for the issue and perform targeted testing.


Error guessing is an exploratory technique and there is no specific output as such. It can help testers to find issues that may not be caught with other test techniques.


Error guessing is a black box testing technique and is based on intuition, experience, and knowledge of the domain. It is used to identify possible errors that may not be caught with formal testing methods. Testers use their creativity to identify potential issues and focus on testing those areas.


Error guessing is used to complement other testing techniques and can be especially useful when the formal testing techniques fail to find critical defects.

Important Points

  • Error guessing is an exploratory testing technique that relies on the tester's knowledge and experience.
  • It cannot be scripted or standardized.
  • The goal of error guessing is to find potential defects that may not be caught with other testing techniques.


Error guessing is an exploratory testing technique that is used to find defects that may not be caught with other testing techniques. It relies on the tester's intuition, experience, and knowledge of the domain. It cannot be scripted or standardized and is used to complement other testing techniques.

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