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Kanban vs Scrum


Kanban and Scrum are the two most commonly used Agile methodologies for software development. Both of these methodologies are useful for delivering high-quality software products, but they have different approaches and philosophies. This article will help you understand the differences between Kanban and Scrum, and how they can be integrated to create a new agile methodology that suits your team's specific needs.


The syntax for Kanban and Scrum is different. Kanban follows a continuous flow approach, while Scrum follows an iterative approach. Kanban has no specific time-boxed iterations, whereas Scrum has time-boxed iterations known as Sprints.


To demonstrate the difference between Kanban and Scrum, let's use an example of a software development project for building a new feature for a website.


In Kanban, the team can take on any new items as soon as they finish their current tasks. For example, if the team has three tasks to complete, and they finish one, they can immediately start working on the next task. This approach allows the team to focus on completing tasks as quickly as possible, without worrying about the next item in the backlog.


In Scrum, the team works on a set of items during a sprint. For example, if the team has three items in the sprint backlog, they focus on completing those items within the sprint. The sprint has a specific duration, usually between two to four weeks, during which the team works on the items in the sprint backlog.


The output of Kanban and Scrum is different. Kanban's output is measured in terms of lead time, which is the time taken from starting work on an item to delivering it. Scrum's output is measured in terms of velocity, which is the amount of work completed in each sprint.


Kanban and Scrum both have different approaches to software development. Kanban focuses on continuous delivery of work items, while Scrum focuses on achieving specific goals within a time-boxed iteration. Kanban is ideal for teams working on a product with a continuous flow of work items, while Scrum is more suitable for teams working on products with specific goals and deadlines.


Kanban and Scrum are both agile methodologies that can be used by teams of any size. Kanban is ideal for teams working on projects with constantly changing goals and priorities, while Scrum is suitable for teams working on projects with specific milestones and deadlines.

Important Points

  • Kanban is a continuous flow methodology while Scrum is an iterative methodology.
  • Kanban has no specific time-boxed iterations, while Scrum has time-boxed iterations known as Sprints.
  • Kanban focuses on lead time, while Scrum focuses on velocity.
  • Kanban is ideal for teams working on products with constantly changing goals and priorities, while Scrum is more suitable for teams working on products with specific goals and deadlines.


Kanban and Scrum are both popular Agile methodologies that can be used to deliver high-quality software products. Kanban is focused on continuously delivering work items, while Scrum is focused on achieving specific goals within a time-boxed iteration. The two methodologies have different approaches and philosophies, but they can be integrated to create a new agile methodology that suits your team's specific needs.

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