  1. javascript-navigator-object

JavaScript Navigator Object

The navigator object is a part of JavaScript that provides information about the client's browser environment. It contains various properties and methods that allow developers to get information like the user's browser type, version, language, platform, etc.



// Get the user's browser name
var browserName = navigator.appName;

// Get the user's browser version
var browserVersion = navigator.appVersion;

// Get the user's platform
var platform = navigator.platform;

// Get the user's language
var language = navigator.language;


5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Browser Information</title>

<!-- Display browser information -->
<p id="browserName"></p>
<p id="browserVersion"></p>
<p id="platform"></p>
<p id="language"></p>

<!-- Your JavaScript code goes here -->
  // Get the user's browser name
  var browserName = navigator.appName;
  document.getElementById('browserName').innerText = 'Browser Name: ' + browserName;

  // Get the user's browser version
  var browserVersion = navigator.appVersion;
  document.getElementById('browserVersion').innerText = 'Browser Version: ' + browserVersion;

  // Get the user's platform
  var platform = navigator.platform;
  document.getElementById('platform').innerText = 'Platform: ' + platform;

  // Get the user's language
  var language = navigator.language;
  document.getElementById('language').innerText = 'Language: ' + language;


Try Playground


The above example uses four different properties of the navigator object to get information about the user's browser environment.

  • appname returns the name of the browser.
  • appVersion returns the version of the browser.
  • platform returns the operating system on which the browser is running.
  • language returns the language of the browser.


  • Checking compatibility: Developers can use the navigator object to check if certain features are supported by the user's browser before trying to use them.
  • Analytics: Web analytics tools often use the navigator object to gather information about the user's browser environment.

Important Points

  • The navigator object is only available in browser environments.
  • Properties of the navigator object are read-only.
  • The information provided by the navigator object can be spoofed.


The navigator object in JavaScript provides information about the user's browser environment, which can be useful for compatibility testing and analytics. It contains various read-only properties that provide information like the browser name, version, language, and platform. However, this information can be spoofed and should not be relied upon for security purposes.

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