  1. javascript-mouseup

JavaScript mouseup

The mouseup event in JavaScript is fired when a mouse button is released after clicking on a web page element. This event can be used to trigger a task or function when a user finishes clicking on an element.


element.addEventListener("mouseup", function(){
  // code to execute when mouse button is released on the element


<button id="btn">Click Me</button>

  const btn = document.querySelector('#btn');
  btn.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
    console.log('Button was released!');


When the mouse button is released after clicking on the button, the following output will be displayed in the console:

Button was released!


In the above example, we first selected the button element using the querySelector method and assigned it to a variable btn. We then added an event listener for the mouseup event on the btn element using addEventListener method.

The function inside the event listener logs a message to the console when the button is released.


The mouseup event can be used to:

  • Perform some action after the user clicks and releases a mouse button
  • Determine the release of a mouse button for drag and drop operations
  • Initiate a function or action based on the state of a mouse button after clicking an element

Important Points

  • The mouseup event is fired after the mousedown event and the click event.
  • The mouseup event is not supported on some touch devices.
  • The which property can be used to determine which mouse button was released (left, right or middle).


In JavaScript, the mouseup event is used to detect when a mouse button is released after clicking on an element. The event is added using the addEventListener method and can be used to trigger a function or task when the mouse button is released.

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