  1. javascript-dblclick

JavaScript dblclick Event

The dblclick event in JavaScript is triggered when an element is double clicked by the user. This event can be used to perform certain actions on an element when it is double clicked.


element.addEventListener('dblclick', function() {
  // Code to be executed when the element is double clicked


<!DOCTYPE html>

<p ondblclick="myFunction()">Double click me</p>

function myFunction() {
  alert("You double clicked the paragraph");



When the user double clicks on the paragraph, an alert box will appear that says "You double clicked the paragraph".


In the example above, we have defined a paragraph element with the ondblclick attribute set to myFunction(). This means that when the user double clicks on the paragraph, the myFunction() function will be called.

The myFunction() function simply displays an alert box with the text "You double clicked the paragraph".


The dblclick event can be used to perform various actions when an element is double clicked. For example, it can be used to open a dialog box, toggle a class on an element, or navigate to a different page.

Important Points

  • The dblclick event can only be used with interactive elements such as buttons, links, and form elements.
  • The event can also be attached to an element using the addEventListener() method.
  • The dblclick event is not supported in mobile devices.


The dblclick event is used to trigger an action when an element is double clicked by the user. It can be used to perform various actions on an element, such as opening a dialog box or navigating to a different page. However, it should be noted that this event is not supported in mobile devices.

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