  1. javascript-comment

JavaScript Comments

Comments in JavaScript are used to explain the code and make it easy to understand for developers. It is also useful for other developers who may be collaborating on the same code at different times. JavaScript has two different types of comments: single line comment and multiline comment.


To write a single line comment, use two forward slashes (//) followed by the comment.

// This is a single line comment

To write a multiline comment, enclose the comment within a forward slash and an asterisk (/* and */).

This is a multiline comment
It can span across multiple lines


// This is a single line comment

This is a multiline comment
It can span across multiple lines

console.log("Hello, World!"); // This is also a comment


A comment is not executed by the JavaScript engine. It is ignored by the interpreter during runtime. So, there is no output generated for a comment.


Comments are used to explain the code in a human-readable form. They are not executed by the JavaScript engine. A single line comment starts with two forward slashes and everything after that till the end of the line is ignored. A multiline comment is enclosed within /* and */ and everything between these two markers is ignored.


Comments are used to explain what the code is doing to other developers and to make the code more understandable. Comments can also be used to temporarily remove a line of code from execution, without deleting the code. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

Important Points

  • Comments are not executed by the JavaScript engine
  • Single line comments start with two forward slashes (//)
  • Multiline comments are enclosed within /* and */
  • Comments are useful for making the code more understandable and for temporary removal of code during debugging


Comments in JavaScript are used to explain the code and make it easy to understand for developers. There are two types of comments in JavaScript: single line comment and multiline comment. Single line comment starts with two forward slashes (//) and multiline comment is enclosed within /* and */. Comments are ignored by the JavaScript engine during runtime and are useful for debugging and making the code more understandable.

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