  1. f-sharp-reference-cells

F# Reference Cells

In F#, reference cells are used to store and manage mutable data. They are similar to variables in other programming languages, but they provide some additional capabilities, such as thread-safety.


To create a reference cell in F#, you can use the syntax:

let cell = ref initial

where initial is the initial value of the cell.

To get the value of a reference cell, you can use the ! operator:

let value = !cell

To set the value of a reference cell, you can use the := operator:

cell := newValue


let x = ref 5

printfn "The value of x is: %d" !x
// Output: The value of x is: 5

x := 10

printfn "The new value of x is: %d" !x
// Output: The new value of x is: 10


A reference cell is a container that holds a mutable value, which can be accessed and modified through the reference. In F#, the ref keyword is used to create a new reference cell, and the initial value can be passed as a parameter.

Once a reference cell is created, you can access its value using the ! operator. This returns the current value of the reference cell. To update a reference cell, you can use the := operator, which takes a new value as an argument.

Reference cells in F# are thread-safe by default, which means that multiple threads can access and modify the value of a single reference cell without causing conflicts.


Reference cells are useful when you need to store and modify mutable data in a functional programming language like F#. They can be used to implement stateful algorithms, like counters or accumulators.

Reference cells are also used in concurrent programming to provide a safe way to share data across multiple threads.

Important Points

  • Reference cells are used to store and manage mutable data in F#.
  • The ref keyword is used to create a reference cell, and the initial value can be passed as a parameter.
  • The ! operator is used to retrieve the current value of a reference cell.
  • The := operator is used to set a new value for a reference cell.
  • Reference cells in F# are thread-safe by default.


In F#, reference cells provide a way to store and manage mutable data. They are created using the ref keyword, and their current value can be accessed using the ! operator. To update the value of a reference cell, you can use the := operator. Reference cells are thread-safe by default, and they are useful in stateful algorithms and concurrent programming.

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