  1. f-sharp-comments

F# Comments

In F#, comments are used to add explanatory or informative text to the code that is not executed by the compiler. There are two types of comments supported in F#: single-line comments and multiline comments.


Single-line comments

// This is a single-line comment

Multiline comments

This is a
multiline comment


// This is a single-line comment

This is a
multiline comment


// This is a single-line comment


In the above example, a single-line comment is added using //. Similarly, a multiline comment is added using (* *) where the comment spans multiple lines.


Comments are useful in explaining the purpose of the code, documenting assumptions, attributing sources, and providing other information important for understanding and maintaining the code.

Important Points

  • Comments are not executed by the compiler and do not affect the behavior of the code.
  • Use comments to explain and document the code.


F# supports single-line and multiline comments for adding explanatory or informative text to the code that is not executed by the compiler. Comments are useful in explaining the purpose of the code, documenting assumptions, attributing sources, and providing other information important for understanding and maintaining the code.

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