  1. f-sharp-abstract-classes

F# Abstraction: Abstract Classes

Abstraction is an important concept in object-oriented programming, where it allows you to define common behavior and characteristics that can be inherited by different classes. In this page, we will discuss abstract classes in F#.


In F#, you can define an abstract class using the abstract keyword. An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, and it can only be inherited by other classes. An abstract class may have abstract methods or properties which must be implemented by the derived classes.

Here is the syntax for creating an abstract class in F#:

type MyAbstractClass() =
    // Fields, properties, methods, etc.

    abstract member myMethod : returnType


Here's an example of an abstract class with one abstract method:

type Shape() =
    abstract member draw : unit -> unit

type Rectangle(width : float, height : float) =
    inherit Shape()
    member this.draw () = printfn "Drawing a rectangle with width %f and height %f" width height

type Circle(radius : float) =
    inherit Shape()
    member this.draw() = printfn "Drawing a circle with radius %f" radius

let drawAll (shapes : Shape list) =
    for shape in shapes do

In this example, Shape is an abstract class with one abstract method draw, and two concrete classes Rectangle and Circle which inherit from Shape. The function drawAll takes a list of Shape objects and then loops through each object and calls its draw method.


When running the above example, it will draw a rectangle and a circle:

Drawing a rectangle with width 5.000000 and height 10.000000
Drawing a circle with radius 7.500000


An abstract class, just like a regular class, can contain fields, properties, methods, and events. However, because it is declared as abstract, its methods and fields can be marked as abstract or virtual. Abstract methods are methods that don't have an implementation, while virtual methods do have an implementation but can be overridden in derived classes.

To implement an abstract class, you need to create a derived class that overrides all the abstract methods in the abstract class.


Abstract classes are useful when you want to define a common behavior and characteristics for a set of classes, but you don't want to instantiate this class directly. Instead, you want to create derived classes that inherit and extend the functionality of the abstract class.

Abstract classes are used as base classes for other classes and can provide default implementations for certain methods while allowing concrete derived classes to customize the behavior of the class.

Important Points

  • Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly.
  • Abstract classes can contain abstract and virtual members.
  • Abstract classes can be inherited by other classes.


In this page, we discussed abstract classes in F#. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of abstract classes. By using abstract classes in F#, you can define common behavior and characteristics for different classes, and create derived classes that inherit and extend the functionality of the abstract class.

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