  1. f-sharp-attribute

F# Miscellaneous Attribute

In F#, an attribute is a piece of metadata that you can add to your code to change its behavior or annotate it with extra information. In this page, we will discuss how to create and use miscellaneous attributes in F#.


In F#, attributes follow the syntax of angle brackets containing the attribute name, followed by the attribute parameters, if any.

Here is an example syntax for a simple attribute:



Here's an example of using the Obsolete attribute to indicate a deprecated function in F#:

[<Obsolete("This function is deprecated and will be removed soon.")>]
let deprecatedFunction () =
    // function implementation

Here's an example of creating a custom attribute in F#:

type ExampleAttribute() =
    inherit Attribute()

    member this.SomeProperty = "someValue"


Attributes don't have any immediate output when applied to code in F#. They provide information about the code that can be used by other tools, such as IntelliSense, code analyzers, or other code generation tools.


Attributes are used to indicate information about code that isn't part of its direct functionality, such as versioning, deprecation, behavior tuning, or dependencies.

Attributes have various attribute targets that define where they can be applied, such as types, members, modules, and so on.


Attributes are useful for defining extra information about your code that can be used by other tools in your software development ecosystem.

Some of the most common use cases for attributes include:

  • Indicating deprecated code, so other developers know not to use it anymore.
  • Configuring how code is compiled, such as enabling or disabling optimizations, or specifying the target platform.
  • Modifying how code is exposed in metadata or documentation, such as changing its naming, grouping, or visibility.
  • Providing additional information that can be used by testing frameworks, code generators, or other automation tools in your build process.

Important Points

  • Attributes are used to annotate code with extra information and metadata.
  • Attributes are indicated by enclosing them in square brackets.
  • Attributes can be applied to various code elements, such as types, members, modules, and so on.
  • Attributes can also have parameters that provide additional information about the code element.


In this page, we discussed how to create and use miscellaneous attributes in F#. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of miscellaneous attributes. By using attributes in your F# code, you can provide extra information about its behavior and usage, making it more accessible and usable for other developers.

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