  1. f-sharp-pattern-matching

F# Pattern Matching


Pattern matching in F# is performed using the match keyword followed by the value to be matched with one or more patterns. A pattern is a set of rules that define how values should be matched. The basic syntax for pattern matching in F# is as follows:

match value with
| pattern1 -> expression1
| pattern2 -> expression2
| ...
| patternN -> expressionN


let fruit = "apple"

match fruit with
| "apple" -> printfn "This is an apple"
| "banana" -> printfn "This is a banana"
| "orange" -> printfn "This is an orange"
| _ -> printfn "I do not recognize this fruit"


This will output: This is an apple


In the above example, the match expression is used to match the value of the variable fruit against three possible patterns: "apple", "banana", or "orange". If the value matches one of the patterns, the corresponding expression is executed. The _ symbol is a catch-all pattern that matches any value that hasn't been matched by one of the previous patterns.


Pattern matching is a powerful feature of F# that allows developers to write code that is both concise and expressive. It can be used to match against values of any type, including lists, tuples, and records. Pattern matching can also be used to match against custom types that are defined using the type keyword.

Important Points

  • The order of the patterns is important. The first pattern that matches the value is executed, and the rest are ignored.
  • Patterns can be nested, allowing for complex matching operations on recursive data structures.
  • Pattern matching is similar to switch statements in other programming languages, but is more flexible and powerful due to the ability to match against complex patterns.


Pattern matching is a powerful feature of F# that allows developers to write concise and expressive code. It allows for matching against values of any type, and can be used to match against custom types as well. Pattern matching is similar to switch statements in other languages, but is more flexible and powerful due to the ability to match against complex patterns.

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