  1. c-program-to-display-prime-numbers-between-two-intervals

Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals - (C Programs)


The program should display all prime numbers between two intervals provided by the user.

Enter two positive integers: 2 15

Prime numbers between 2 and 15 are:
2 3 5 7 11 13


The program should take two positive integer values as input from the user. It should then loop through each number between the two intervals and check if the number is a prime number. If the number is a prime number, it should be displayed on the console.


This program can be used by anyone who needs to find all prime numbers between two intervals. It is a simple and efficient program that can quickly identify all prime numbers between two intervals.


The output of the program would be the list of prime numbers between two intervals entered by the user.


This program is a simple solution for finding all prime numbers between two intervals. It is easy to use and efficient in identifying the prime numbers between any two user-defined intervals.

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