  1. c-pragma

C# #pragma Directive


#pragma directive


#pragma warning disable CS4014
async void DoSomethingAsync()
    await Task.Delay(1000);
#pragma warning restore CS4014


This example disables and then re-enables a specific warning message for a method that performs an asynchronous operation.


The #pragma directive is used to give special instructions to the compiler or preprocessor. This directive is used to set the compiler options, change code behavior, alert the development environment, check the code for known issues, etc.

When the #pragma directive is used, it must be the first statement in a line of code. Any whitespace or comment preceding the directive must be in a separate line.


The #pragma directive can be used for many purposes, including:

  • To control the diagnostic output of a compiler. You can use the #pragma warning directive in C# to control the warnings and errors generated by the compiler.
  • To include linker control information in an object file.
  • To support different compilation options based on the target platform and required optimizations.
  • To allow developers to opt-in or out of certain features or behaviors in their code.

Important Points

  • #pragma directives are compiler-specific, and what works in one compiler may not work in another.
  • Not all compilers support the same set of directives.
  • #pragma directives can affect the compilation of an entire code file, or only a portion of code within the file.
  • The #pragma directive can be used to enable and disable warnings, suppress specific warnings, or treat warnings as errors.


The #pragma directive is a powerful tool for controlling the behavior of the C# compiler. It can be used to modify compiler options, control diagnostic output, include linker control information, and support different compilation options. However, it must be used with caution, as it is compiler-specific and may not be supported by all compilers. As a developer, understanding the syntax, examples, and use cases of the #pragma directive can help you write better code and avoid common issues.

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