  1. c-plus-plus-smart-pointers

C++ Smart Pointers

Smart pointers in C++ are a type of pointer that can automatically manage memory allocation and deallocation. This helps to avoid memory leaks and makes code more robust.


std::unique_ptr<data_type> ptr_variable_name(new data_type);
std::shared_ptr<data_type> ptr_variable_name = std::make_shared<data_type>(constructor_arguments);
std::weak_ptr<data_type> ptr_variable_name;

There are three types of smart pointers: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr. Unique pointers take ownership of the memory they point to, while shared pointers can have multiple pointers pointing to the same memory. Weak pointers are used in conjunction with shared pointers to prevent memory leaks.


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    unique_ptr<int> my_ptr = make_unique<int>(42);
    shared_ptr<int> another_ptr = make_shared<int>(24);
    weak_ptr<int> weak_ptr = another_ptr;

    cout << "my_ptr value: " << *my_ptr << endl;
    cout << "another_ptr value: " << *another_ptr << endl;
    cout << "weak_ptr value: " << *(weak_ptr.lock()) << endl;

    return 0;


my_ptr value: 42
another_ptr value: 24
weak_ptr value: 24


In the above example, we have used three different types of smart pointers: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr. We have initialized unique_ptr and shared_ptr with their respective make functions. We have also created a weak_ptr, which we have assigned to the shared_ptr.

Using the lock function, we can access the memory pointed to by weak_ptr. If the shared_ptr is still alive, the lock function returns a shared_ptr, otherwise it returns an empty shared_ptr.


Smart pointers are extremely useful for managing memory allocation and deallocation in C++, especially in large projects where manual memory management can be difficult and lead to memory leaks. Smart pointers can also help to improve code readability and maintainability.

Important Points

  • Smart pointers automatically manage memory allocation and deallocation.
  • There are three types of smart pointers: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr.
  • unique_ptr takes ownership of the memory it points to and cannot be copied.
  • shared_ptr allows multiple pointers to point to the same memory.
  • weak_ptr is used in conjunction with shared_ptr to prevent memory leaks.
  • weak_ptr should always be used when there is a possibility of circular references.


Smart pointers are a powerful tool in C++ that can help to manage memory allocation and deallocation. They can make code more robust and help to avoid memory leaks. There are three types of smart pointers: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr, each with their own use cases. Smart pointers should be used whenever possible to improve code readability and to prevent memory leaks.

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