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C++ Tutorial - Data Types


In this tutorial, we will discuss the data types in C++, which are used to specify the type of data that a variable can hold. C++ supports a wide range of data types, including built-in and user-defined data types.


The syntax for declaring a variable of a particular data type in C++ is as follows:

data_type variable_name;


Let's declare some variables of different data types in C++:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   // integer data type
   int num = 10;

   // floating-point data type
   float decimal = 3.14159;

   // character data type
   char letter = 'a';

   // boolean data type
   bool value = true;

   // output the values
   cout << "Num: " << num << endl;
   cout << "Decimal: " << decimal << endl;
   cout << "Letter: " << letter << endl;
   cout << "Value: " << value << endl;

   return 0;


The output of the above program will be:

Num: 10
Decimal: 3.14159
Letter: a
Value: 1


In the example program, we have declared four variables of different data types. The integer variable num can hold integer values, the floating-point variable decimal can hold decimal values, the character variable letter can hold a single character, and the boolean variable value can hold either true or false.

We have assigned some initial values to these variables and then printed them using the cout statement.

The output shows the values of these variables in the specified format.


Data types are a fundamental concept in programming, and they are used extensively in C++ programs. They help in specifying the type of data that a variable can hold, which makes it easier to work with the data and perform the required operations on it.

Data types are used to store values of different types such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Boolean values.

Important Points

  • C++ supports a wide range of built-in and user-defined data types.
  • The size and range of each data type depend on the platform you are using.
  • The data type of a variable determines the range of possible values it can hold.
  • It is essential to choose the right data type based on the values that the variable needs to hold.


In this tutorial, we discussed the data types in C++ and how to declare variables of each data type. We also saw an example program that declared variables of different data types and printed their values. Finally, we covered the use cases and important points to keep in mind when working with data types in C++.

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