  1. wpf-xaml


XAML is a markup language used in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to define user interface elements in a declarative way. XAML is used to describe the graphical user interface of a WPF application, and it provides a way to separate the logic of your application from its user interface.


XAML has a syntax similar to XML. Here is an example of what XAML code looks like:

<Window x:Class="MyNamespace.MyWindow"
        Title="My Window" Width="500" Height="300">
            <TextBlock Text="Hello, XAML!" />
            <Button Content="Click me!" />


Here is an example of how to use XAML in a WPF application:

<Window x:Class="MyNamespace.MyWindow"
        Title="My Window" Width="500" Height="300">
            <TextBlock Text="Enter your name:" />
            <TextBox Name="txtName" />
            <Button Content="Say hello" Click="btnSayHello_Click" />
            <TextBlock Name="lblOutput" />
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace MyNamespace
    public partial class MyWindow : Window
        public MyWindow()

        private void btnSayHello_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string name = txtName.Text;
            string message = string.Format("Hello, {0}!", name);
            lblOutput.Text = message;


When you run the WPF application using the example XAML code and C# code, you should see a window with a textbox, a button, and a label. When you enter your name into the textbox and click the button, the label should display a message saying "Hello, [your name]!".


In the example XAML code, we define a window with a grid containing a stack panel that contains a text block, a textbox, a button, and another text block. We specify some properties for the window, grid, stack panel, text block, textbox, button, and second text block using XAML markup syntax. In the C# code, we handle the button click event to get the value of the textbox, format a message with that value, and set the text of the second text block to that message.


XAML is used in WPF to define the user interface of your application in a declarative way. By using XAML, you can separate the logic of your application from its user interface, which can make your code more modular and easier to maintain.

Important Points

  • XAML is a markup language used in WPF to define user interface elements.
  • XAML has a syntax similar to XML.
  • XAML can be used to define the user interface of an application in a declarative way, which can make your code more modular and easier to maintain.


In this page, we discussed XAML in WPF. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of using XAML in a WPF application. By using XAML to define the user interface of your application in a declarative way, you can separate the logic of your application from its user interface, which can make your code more modular and easier to maintain.

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