  1. wpf-getting-started

Getting Started - (WPF)

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a popular technology for building desktop applications in .NET. In this page, we'll walk through the basics of how to create a simple WPF application in Visual Studio.


Creating a WPF application in Visual Studio is easy. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio and select "File > New > Project".
  2. In the "New Project" dialog, select "WPF App (.NET Framework)".
  3. Give your app a name and specify a location to save it.
  4. Click "Create".
  5. Visual Studio will generate some template code for your new app.


Here is the code for a basic WPF application:

<Window x:Class="MyApp.MainWindow"
        Title="MyApp" Height="350" Width="525">
        <TextBlock Text="Hello, WPF!" FontSize="30" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>


When you run the WPF application you created, you should see a window with the text "Hello, WPF!" displayed in the center.


In the example code, we define a new WPF window using XAML markup. We set the window's title and dimensions, and add a TextBlock control to display the text "Hello, WPF!". The HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties center the TextBlock in the window.


WPF is a powerful tool for building desktop applications in .NET. You can use it to create rich, interactive user interfaces and integrate your application with other .NET technologies.

Important Points

  • WPF is a technology for building desktop applications in .NET.
  • Visual Studio provides templates for creating new WPF applications.
  • WPF uses XAML markup to define the user interface.


In this page, we discussed the basics of creating a simple WPF application in Visual Studio. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of creating a new WPF application. WPF is a powerful technology for building desktop applications in .NET and can be used to create rich, interactive user interfaces. With Visual Studio's templates and XAML markup, you can quickly create a basic WPF application.

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