  1. wpf-direct-events

Direct Events - (WPF)

Direct events are a feature of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) that allow you to handle events directly in XAML markup. This means that you can add event handlers to an element without having to write any code-behind in C# or VB.NET. Direct events can help simplify the code in your WPF application and make it more declarative.


To handle a direct event in WPF, you can use the EventTrigger element in XAML markup. Here is the basic syntax for handling a direct event:

    <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="eventName">
      <... />


Here's an example of how to use direct events in WPF:

<Window x:Class="MyNamespace.MyWindow"
        Title="My Window">
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
          <EventSetter Event="TextChanged" Handler="TextBox_TextChanged" />
namespace MyNamespace
  public partial class MyWindow : Window
    public MyWindow()

    private void TextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
      // Do something


When you run the WPF application with direct events enabled, you should see that the TextBox_TextChanged method is called whenever the text in the TextBox changes.


In the example code, we define a WPF window that contains a TextBox element with an event handler for the TextChanged event. The event handler is added using the EventSetter element in XAML markup. In the code-behind file for the WPF window, we define the TextBox_TextChanged method that is called whenever the TextChanged event is raised.


Direct events can simplify the code in your WPF application by allowing you to handle events directly in XAML markup. This can make your code more declarative and easier to maintain.

Important Points

  • Direct events are a feature of WPF that allow you to handle events directly in XAML markup.
  • You can use the EventSetter element in XAML markup to add event handlers to an element.
  • Direct events can simplify the code in your WPF application and make it more declarative.


In this page, we discussed how to use direct events in a WPF application. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of using direct events in WPF. Direct events are a feature of WPF that allow you to handle events directly in XAML markup, and can simplify the code in your application. By adding event handlers to an element using XAML markup, you can make your code more declarative and easier to maintain.

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