  1. wpf-3d-graphics

3D Graphics - (WPF)

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a powerful framework for creating rich graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Windows applications. One of the features of WPF is the ability to create and display 3D graphics.


To create 3D graphics in WPF, you will need to use a combination of XAML and C# code. Here is an example of how to create a simple 3D cube in WPF:

    <PerspectiveCamera Position="0, 0, 10" LookDirection="0, 0, -1" UpDirection="0, 1, 0" FieldOfView="45" />
            <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-1,-1,-1 1,-1,-1 1,-1,1 -1,-1,1 -1,1,-1 1,1,-1 1,1,1 -1,1,1"
              TriangleIndices="0,1,2 2,3,0 1,5,6 6,2,1 5,4,7 7,6,5 4,0,3 3,7,4 3,2,6 6,7,3 0,4,5 5,1,0"/>
            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="Blue"/>
            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="Green"/>


Here is an example of how to use 3D graphics in WPF to create a spinning cube:

<Window x:Class="MyNamespace.MyWindow"
        Title="MyWindow" Height="400" Width="400">
    <Viewport3D x:Name="myViewport">
            <PerspectiveCamera Position="0, 0, 10" LookDirection="0, 0, -1" UpDirection="0, 1, 0" FieldOfView="45" />
                    <GeometryModel3D x:Name="myCube">
                            <MeshGeometry3D Positions="-1,-1,-1 1,-1,-1 1,-1,1 -1,-1,1 -1,1,-1 1,1,-1 1,1,1 -1,1,1"
                                             TriangleIndices="0,1,2 2,3,0 1,5,6 6,2,1 5,4,7 7,6,5 4,0,3 3,7,4 3,2,6 6,7,3 0,4,5 5,1,0"/>
                            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="Blue"/>
                            <DiffuseMaterial Brush="Green"/>
namespace MyNamespace
    public partial class MyWindow : Window
        public MyWindow()

            // Initialize the rotation animation
            var rotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), 0);
            var rotationTransform = new RotateTransform3D(rotation);
            myCube.Transform = rotationTransform;

            var animation = new DoubleAnimation(0, 360, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            animation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            rotation.BeginAnimation(AxisAngleRotation3D.AngleProperty, animation);


When you run the code to create and display a spinning cube using 3D graphics in WPF, you should see a 3D cube that rotates around its y-axis.


In the example code, we define a simple WPF window that contains a Viewport3D control for displaying 3D graphics. We create a PerspectiveCamera to view the 3D scene, and a ModelVisual3D to hold the 3D objects we want to display. We then create a GeometryModel3D object to define the cube geometry, and set its Material and BackMaterial properties to define its color. Finally, we create a RotateTransform3D object to rotate the cube, and set up an animation to continuously rotate the cube around its y-axis.


3D graphics can be used in WPF to create visually stunning and interactive user interfaces for your Windows applications. You can use 3D graphics to display complex data visualizations, create interactive games, and more.

Important Points

  • To create 3D graphics in WPF,
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