  1. web-api-http-put

HTTP PUT - (Web API HTTP Methods)

HTTP PUT is a popular HTTP method used with Web APIs to update a resource on the server. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, example, explanation, use, important points, and summary of using HTTP PUT with Web APIs.


The syntax for using the HTTP PUT method with a Web API is as follows:

PUT /api/resource/{id} HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/json

   "property1": "new value for property 1",
   "property2": "new value for property 2"

In this example, {id} represents the unique identifier of the resource you want to update.


Suppose you have a Web API that manages user accounts, and a user wants to update their information. You can use the HTTP PUT method to update the user's account information as follows:

PUT /api/users/123 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/json

   "firstName": "John",
   "lastName": "Doe",
   "email": "johndoe@example.com",
   "phone": "555-555-5555"

In this example, we're updating the information for the user with ID 123.


HTTP PUT is a popular HTTP method used to update a resource on the server. With Web APIs, you can use the HTTP PUT method to update data stored in a database, such as updating a user account or updating a product listing.

When sending a PUT request, you must include the unique identifier of the resource you want to update, along with the updated data in the request body. The server will then update the resource with the new data.


HTTP PUT is a useful HTTP method for updating resources on the server. You should use HTTP PUT when you want to update data stored in a database, such as updating a user account or updating a product listing.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using the HTTP PUT method with Web APIs:

  • Make sure to include the unique identifier of the resource you want to update in the request URL.
  • Make sure to include the updated data in the request body.
  • Make sure to authenticate the user before allowing updates to sensitive data.
  • Consider using versioning to manage changes to your API.


In this tutorial, we discussed the HTTP PUT method used with Web APIs to update a resource on the server. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of using HTTP PUT for updating data stored in a database. By using HTTP PUT in your Web API, you can allow users to update their information and products to be updated in real-time.

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