  1. web-api-cors

CORS - (Web API Cross-Domain Requests)

Web APIs are an important part of modern web development. Cross-domain requests are sometimes necessary to make these APIs available to other domains or subdomains. However, browser security measures can prevent these requests from succeeding, which can cause issues when building web applications. This is where CORS comes in. In this tutorial, we'll discuss CORS and how to handle cross-domain requests in a Web API.


CORS can be configured in a Web API by adding the following code to the WebApiConfig.cs file:


You can also specify more granular CORS settings using EnableCorsAttribute:

[EnableCors(origins: "http://example.com", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public class MyController : ApiController
    // ...


Suppose you have a Web API running on http://localhost:5000 and you want to allow cross-domain requests from http://example.com. You can configure CORS in your Web API by adding the following code to the WebApiConfig.cs file:


You can also specify more granular settings by adding the [EnableCors] attribute to specific controllers or actions:

[EnableCors(origins: "http://example.com", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public class MyController : ApiController
    // ...


CORS is a security feature implemented by web browsers that restricts cross-origin HTTP requests. With CORS, a server can provide access to its resources to other domains. In a Web API, this is done by adding the appropriate CORS headers to HTTP responses.


CORS is necessary when building modern web applications that rely on cross-domain data access. Web APIs often need to provide access to other domains, which can be enabled using CORS.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with CORS in a Web API:

  • CORS settings can be configured globally or on a per-controller/action basis.
  • CORS headers must be added to HTTP responses to properly enable cross-domain requests.
  • The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header must match the domain from which the request originates.
  • CORS security restrictions are enforced by web browsers and cannot be bypassed by server-side code.


In this tutorial, we discussed CORS and how to handle cross-domain requests in a Web API. We covered syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of using CORS to enable cross-domain requests in a Web API. With this knowledge, you can ensure that your Web API is accessible to other domains and subdomains while maintaining appropriate security measures.

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