  1. phalcon-volt

Volt - Phalcon Front-End


Volt is an embedded template engine for Phalcon web framework. It uses custom syntax where the template files have .volt extension and contain placeholders that get replaced with the actual data at runtime.


Here's an example of how a Volt template file may look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>{{ pageTitle }}</title>
        <h1>Hello {{ }}!</h1>
            {% for item in items %}
                <li>{{ item }}</li>
            {% endfor %}


The output of a Volt template file is an HTML file with placeholders replaced by the actual data at runtime.


Volt is a template engine for Phalcon web framework that allows developers to separate presentation from business logic. It provides easy-to-use syntax for creating templates that can be used to render dynamic web pages.


Volt is used in Phalcon web framework to create dynamic web pages with ease. The use of templates allows developers to separate the presentation layer from the business logic layer, making it easier to maintain and update web applications.

Important Points

  • Volt uses custom syntax for creating templates
  • Volt templates have .volt extension
  • Volt templates are used to render dynamic web pages
  • Volt separates presentation layer from business logic layer


In summary, Volt is an embedded template engine for Phalcon web framework that helps developers to create dynamic web pages with ease. It allows for separation of presentation layer from the business logic layer, making it easier to maintain and update web applications. Volt's use of custom syntax also makes it a powerful tool for developers looking to create web applications using Phalcon web framework.

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