  1. phalcon-model-events

Model Events in Phalcon Database

Model Events in Phalcon Database allow developers to attach callbacks to certain events that occur during the lifespan of Phalcon Models. These events include before validation, after validation, before create, after create, before update, after update, before delete, and after delete. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Model Events in Phalcon Database.


The syntax for attaching callbacks to Model Events in Phalcon Database is as follows:

// Attaching a callback to a Model Event
$eventsManager->attach('model', function($event, $model) {
  // Callback logic here


Consider the following example where we want to send an email notification when a new user is added:

// Attaching callback to after create Model Event
$eventsManager->attach('model', function($event, $user) {
  if ($event->getType() == 'afterCreate') {
    $email = new Email();
    $email->setSubject('Welcome to our site!');
    $email->setBody('Thank you for joining our site!');


In the example above, we attach a callback function to the afterCreate Model Event. This callback function is responsible for sending an email notification to the new user. The $event parameter contains the type of event and other useful information, while the $user parameter is the Phalcon Model that triggered the event.

We create a new instance of the Email class and set the recipient email address, subject, and body. We then send the email using the send() method.


Model Events in Phalcon Database can be used to attach callbacks to certain events that occur during the lifespan of a Phalcon Model. These events can be used to perform actions such as sending email notifications, updating caches, or logging information.

Important Points

  • Model Events in Phalcon Database allow developers to attach callbacks to certain events that occur during the lifespan of a Phalcon Model.
  • Phalcon Database supports a wide range of Model Events, including before validation, after validation, before create, after create, before update, after update, before delete, and after delete.
  • Developers can attach callback functions to Model Events to perform various actions during the lifespan of a Phalcon Model.


Model Events in Phalcon Database allow developers to attach callbacks to certain events that occur during the lifespan of a Phalcon Model. These events can be used to perform various actions such as sending email notifications or updating caches. Phalcon Database supports a wide range of Model Events, making it a powerful tool for managing the lifecycle of Phalcon Models.

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