  1. phalcon-class-autoloader

Class Autoloader - Phalcon Services


In Phalcon, you can use the services class autoloader by adding the following code in your bootstrap file:

$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();

        __DIR__ . '/library/',
        __DIR__ . '/models/',
        __DIR__ . '/plugins/'



Here's an example of how to define a custom namespace using the class autoloader in Phalcon:

$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
    'MyApp\Controllers' => $config->application->controllersDir,
    'MyApp\Models'      => $config->application->modelsDir,
    'MyApp\Library'     => $config->application->libraryDir,


The output of the class autoloader is that it automatically loads the required class files when a new class instance is created.


The Phalcon services class autoloader automatically loads the required class files when a new class instance is created. This eliminates the need for manually including files and helps in organizing the codebase by defining namespaces for classes.


The class autoloader in Phalcon is used to automatically load class files and improve the organization of code by defining namespaces for classes.

Important Points

  • The class autoloader in Phalcon uses namespaces to organize classes and their corresponding files.
  • The autoloader can be used to load classes from multiple directories.
  • The autoloader can be customized to fit specific project needs.
  • The autoloader improves the readability and organization of code by eliminating the need for manual includes.


In summary, the class autoloader is a powerful feature in Phalcon that loads the required class files automatically when a new class instance is created. It helps in organizing the codebase using namespaces for classes and eliminates the need for manual includes, improving the readability and maintainability of the codebase.

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