  1. phalcon-cookies

Cookies in Phalcon Protocol

Cookies in Phalcon Protocol are a way to store session data on the client-side, allowing for a more efficient and scalable way to manage user sessions. In this tutorial, we will learn about cookies in Phalcon Protocol.


The syntax for setting a cookie in Phalcon Protocol is as follows:

$this->cookies->set(name, value, expire, path, secure, httpOnly);


Consider the following example of setting a cookie in Phalcon Protocol:

public function loginAction() {
    // ... validate user credentials ...

    // Set a cookie in the client browser
        time() + 3600, // Expires in one hour
        true, // Only send over HTTPS
        true // Cookie is not accessible via JavaScript

    // ... redirect to homepage ...


In the example above, we use the $this->cookies object to set a cookie in the client's browser. The name parameter is the name of the cookie, and the value parameter is the data that we want to store in the cookie. We also specify an expire time so that the cookie expires after a certain amount of time.

The path parameter specifies the path on the server for which the cookie is valid. The secure parameter specifies whether the cookie should only be sent over secure connections, and the httpOnly parameter specifies whether the cookie is accessible via JavaScript.


Cookies in Phalcon Protocol can be used to store session data on the client-side, allowing for a more efficient and scalable way to manage user sessions. Cookies can be used to store user preferences, login credentials, and other user-related data.

Important Points

  • Cookies in Phalcon Protocol are stored on the client-side and can be used to store session data.
  • When setting cookies, it is important to specify an appropriate expire time and path so that the cookie is valid for the intended duration and context.
  • Cookies can be accessed and modified using the $this->cookies object.


Cookies in Phalcon Protocol are a powerful way to manage user sessions and store session data. Cookies can be set using the $this->cookies object, and parameters such as expire, path, secure, and httpOnly can be specified to control the behavior and security of the cookie. Cookies can be used to store user preferences, login credentials, and other user-related data.

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