  1. oracle-or-operator

OR Operator - (Oracle Misc)

The OR operator in Oracle is a logical operator that is used to evaluate two conditions. If either condition is true, the OR operator returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.


The syntax for the OR operator in Oracle is:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition1 OR condition2;

Here, column1, column2, etc. are the columns you want to retrieve data from in the specified table. table_name is the name of the table you want to retrieve data from. condition1 and condition2 are the conditions that you want to evaluate using the OR operator.


Let's say we have a table called "employees" with columns "emp_id", "name", "salary", and "department". We want to retrieve data for all employees who work in the finance department or earn a salary greater than $100,000. We can use the OR operator to achieve this:

SELECT emp_id, name, salary, department FROM employees WHERE department = 'finance' OR salary > 100000;


The output of the SQL query will display the emp_id, name, salary, and department columns for all employees who work in the finance department or earn a salary greater than $100,000.


In the above example, we use the OR operator to evaluate two conditions: department = 'finance' and salary > 100000. If either condition is true, the OR operator returns true and the corresponding row is included in the output. If both conditions are false, the row is excluded from the output.


The OR operator in Oracle is useful in situations where we want to retrieve data that satisfies one of multiple conditions. We can use the OR operator to combine these conditions in our SELECT statements and retrieve only the data that meets our criteria.

Important Points

  • The OR operator in Oracle is a logical operator that returns true if either of the two conditions is true.
  • The OR operator is used in conjunction with WHERE clauses in SELECT statements.
  • Multiple conditions can be combined using the OR operator.
  • Only data that meets the specified conditions will be included in the output.


In summary, the OR operator in Oracle is a logical operator that returns true if either of the two conditions is true. It is used in conjunction with WHERE clauses in SELECT statements and is useful in situations where we want to retrieve data that meets one or more conditions. By using the OR operator, we can easily combine multiple conditions and retrieve only the data that meets our criteria.

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