  1. oracle-create-table-as

Create Table As - (Oracle Tables)

Oracle's CREATE TABLE AS statement is used to create a new table and populate it with the result set of a SELECT statement. This is also known as a "query table".


The basic syntax of the CREATE TABLE AS statement is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, column3...
FROM existing_table
WHERE condition;

Here, SELECT ... FROM is the SELECT statement that will generate the result set, and new_table is the name of the new table that will be created. The columns in new_table will have the same data types as the columns in existing_table, unless data type conversions are explicitly applied.


Consider the following example, which uses the employees table in an Oracle database:

CREATE TABLE sales_staff AS
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = 80;

This statement creates a new table sales_staff that contains the employee_id, first_name, last_name, and salary columns from the employees table. Only employees in the sales department (department_id = 80) are included in the SELECT statement.


The output of the CREATE TABLE AS statement is the creation of a new table in the database with the specified columns populated with the results of the SELECT statement.


In the above example, the CREATE TABLE AS statement is used to create a new table called sales_staff, which contains information about employees working in the sales department. The SELECT statement specifies the columns that should be included in the new table, as well as a condition that limits the data to employees in the sales department.


CREATE TABLE AS is useful when you need to create a new table that contains a subset of an existing table, or when you need to transform data in an existing table into a new format.

Important Points

  • CREATE TABLE AS is used to create a new table and populate it with the result set of a SELECT statement.
  • The columns in the new table will have the same datatypes as the columns in the original table, unless datatype conversions are explicitly applied.
  • CREATE TABLE AS is useful for creating new tables that contain a subset of an existing table, or for transforming data in an existing table into a new format.


In summary, CREATE TABLE AS in Oracle is a useful SQL statement for creating a new table and populating it with the results of a SELECT statement. It can be used to create a new table that contains a subset of an existing table, or for transforming data in an existing table into a new format.

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