  1. jupyter-writing-and-executing-python

Writing and Executing Python - ( Jupyter Code Cells )

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Jupyter notebooks consist of cells with Python code or markdown content. To create a code cell in Jupyter, click on the + button in the Jupyter toolbar or hit the B key on your keyboard.

Here is an example of a code cell that contains a Python function:

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")


To execute the code cell, click on the Run button in the Jupyter toolbar or hit Shift + Enter.


The output of the code cell is displayed below the code cell.

Hello, Alice!


Jupyter notebooks allow you to write and execute Python code in an interactive environment. Each code cell can contain one or more lines of Python code, which can be executed by clicking on the Run button or hitting Shift + Enter on your keyboard.

The output of the code cell is displayed below the code cell. In the above example, the output of the code cell is the message Hello, Alice!, which is printed by the greet function.


Jupyter notebooks are commonly used for exploratory data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning tasks. They allow you to write and execute Python code in an interactive environment and display the results in a convenient and organized manner.

Important Points

  • Jupyter notebooks consist of cells with Python code or markdown content
  • To create a code cell, click on the + button or hit the B key
  • To execute a code cell, click on the Run button or hit Shift + Enter
  • The output of the code cell is displayed below the code cell


In summary, Jupyter notebooks provide an interactive environment for writing and executing Python code. Each code cell can contain one or more lines of Python code, which can be executed by clicking on the Run button or hitting Shift + Enter. The output of the code cell is displayed below the code cell. Jupyter notebooks are commonly used for data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning tasks.

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